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14 Things To Consider For Your Bathroom Shower Options

Bathroom renovations are one of the most popular remodeling projects available, and there are plenty of great things to be excited about with them.

Generally, bath renovations boil down to getting a new shower. There are countless great bathroom shower options that help you to customize your experience and make your space more functional, but navigating through all of them can be overwhelming.

Let’s explore your bathroom shower options so you can get a new bathroom that fits all your needs, preferences, and style.

1. Curb Or Curbless Shower?

The first consideration when choosing a walk in shower is to decide between curbed or curbless.

The distinction between these two types of showers can have implications that you might not consider beyond the aesthetics, which is why it is so important to know what they are.

It is true that you can see a visible difference with these kinds of showers.

Curbless showers

Curbless showers will be completely flush with the floor, and are generally believed to be the more appealing.

Their flat design and the way that they seamlessly blend into the bathroom like another room is a very modern look that more people are choosing more often.

Curbless shower in a modern bathroom renovation

Curbed showers

Curbed showers will have an added wall of some kind. The height of the curb itself can vary. It can be a little step or a real wall of several inches tall.

There are no right or wrong answers regarding how these two walk in showers types look. But there are also some functionality issues at hand.

New shower renovation with a small step curb

Functionality Of Curb Vs. Curbless Showers

Modern bathroom renovation with black shiny subway tile and freestanding tub

Though the beauty of the appearance is in the eye of the beholder, the height of a curbed shower can be a key point of concern for homeowners.

Most homeowners think in the here and now, but when you are spending tens of thousands of dollars on a renovation, you really need to consider what you might require going forward.

Everyone ages differently, and sometimes life throws things at us that we might not expect. In this regard, a curbed shower might not age all that well with you in some circumstances. These showers are more difficult to navigate for the elderly or those who are disabled. They have an increased potential for accidents that you need to consider when making your decision.

Choosing a walk in shower that you can grow with is always very important, so choose wisely. Look to the future, not just the present. A smooth and flawless curbless design for your bathroom shower is much safer and will look timeless.

2. Cost

The price of your walk in shower can be influenced by several different factors, and that is always something to consider when you make your choice.

The shower, be it curb or curbless, is a feature that can cost anywhere from $6,000 to $20,000 or more. It’s often best to think of where you want your budget to fall on this and how your decisions will influence the overall price.

3. Installation Process

When it comes to installation, at KHB we prefer the float method of shower installation. We believe that this method yields better results and offers a better final appearance.

However, it does also come at a higher price because of the process and materials involved. Opting out of this method might save you some money, but you might not end up with that picture-perfect shower of your dreams either.

4. Shower Type

The type of shower that you choose will also play a big role in the price, and this is true with every single component of the shower. Curbless showers can be more expensive in certain homes if the existing foundation isn’t there.

Additional work might be necessary to create that flat design, so it can cost more in the end—but that isn’t always the case either. A large walk in shower, for example, will need more materials if it’s with a curb.

5. Tile

Beyond the type of shower, you will want to consider the components within your shower that can influence your price range.

Tile is a big consideration here since the pricing on tile can vary significantly. Some tile is fairly cheap, but other options can be less than forgiving for your wallet. Understanding this and choosing tile that fits within the overall budget is important if you want to avoid overspending.

For the shower walls and shower floor, porcelain or ceramic tiles are great options, but there are a lot of other flooring options available as well.

6. Shower Systems

For your bathroom shower options, you’ll also have to choose between a lot of showerheads and systems. These can also significantly influence the price of a new shower.

When you design your shower, you might even be a little surprised to realize what components you can put into your shower. There are showerheads that offer a rainfall effect, removable nozzles that allow you to take the water anywhere, and other fun features like lights or different settings that can improve your shower experience.

These items can differ in price, so keep that in mind as you make your decisions.

7. Accessories

Accessories and designs in the shower can add some price changes to your investment as well. A larger shower space will generally cost more, but so will a shower space that has additions like an added bench or expensive storage units. These are all decisions that will need to be made, and every single one comes with a price tag.

8. Function

The best way to end up with a shower that you truly want and will enjoy for years to come is to purchase a shower that suits your functional needs—and this can be tricky, particularly if you haven’t really experienced what is available.

Most people grow up around a basic bathroom with few exciting features, so when they realize what is available, they can be fairly shocked. In modern times, your shower can be completely customized to support your every need.

Making the decision based on function will help you to get the perfect shower rather than just a newer version of what you already have. Of course, if you like what you have but just want something a little more modern, that can be arranged too. Consider what you want and allow that to guide your experience.

9. Valves

One key functional consideration is the placement of the valves. Where do you want your valves, and what does that mean for your experience?

Right now, a popular option is placing the valves where they can be easily accessed from outside of the shower. It might open you up to being pranked a little more if you have a family that loves to laugh, but it also means that you can turn the shower on and never face the cold water. By the time you enter, it will already be warmed.

10. The Entrance

large walk-in shower with wooden bench and marble surround tile

How and where you enter your shower is another functional consideration that you will need to embrace. Do you want to have to climb into your shower, or are you just looking to walk right in like you own the place? A walk in shower is the best option for most of our customers.

Is it important that you be able to get a wheelchair up to the shower? Consider what feels best for you, and what will work best going forward.

11. The Door Dilemma

Showers are wonderful for relaxing, but what kind of privacy do you need to relax? Some people would like a shower door while others prefer an open design that can be fitted with a curtain or something of that nature.

Consider the look, feel, and maintenance of these decisions. For example, a shower door requires more cleaning to stay nice, but a shower curtain will need replaced more often, as the material will get damaged and stained.

A frameless shower door, like, say, a glass shower door, will look amazing in a curbless shower with dark tile flooring and surround, but glass shower doors are also more expensive and will increase the total cost of your remodel.

12. Showerhead Location

Functionality plays a big role when it comes to the location of the shower, and this can be a deeply personal decision. Some people like to stand in the shower and feel the water just raining down on them like a storm, but others prefer a nice angle—or the ability to move the showerhead to accommodate different angles.

Height is very important when considering the showerhead location. Tall people know the struggle of having to crouch just to shampoo their hair, but they aren’t the only ones with problems.

People who are on the shorter side might find themselves struggles to move their showerheads or even reach them to accommodate their needs. Where you place the showerhead can have a big impact on how pleasant your shower is.

13. Seating Areas

White marble shower with custom shower bench and lighted shower niche

Every day, more people are choosing to invest in seating areas within their showers. Benches can offer an added degree of comfort for those who are looking to improve their shower experience.

People use benches for exfoliating, shaving, steaming, and just plain relaxing. If it benefits you, this might be a good addition to consider.

Along with the glass door and glass walls, built-in benches are the second most expensive feature you can get.

14. Storage Options

Most of us know the struggle of showering in a space that offers no shelving areas. That is why there is an entire market for products designed to add shelves to a storage-free shower. And if the rest of the bathroom also lacks these storage options, you’ll need to fix that.

Fortunately, you can make the decision to skip the third-party upgrades and simply invest in a design that offers storage. Doing this is a wonderful way to ensure that your shower is comfortable and easy to use by offering you access to all of your favorite products.

If you want an airy walk in shower, you can choose to have recessed shelving in your shower remodel.


Considering the fact that showers play a daily role in our lives, it really can be beneficial to invest in a shower that works for you in every way, not just the basic ways.

Certain bathroom shower options can increase the price of your shower, but that isn’t always a guarantee. You’d be surprised to learn that you can get most of the walk in shower ideas that we discussed while staying within a reasonable price range.

If nothing else, you can make decisions that ensure that you love your shower in the end, and that is always worth it! If you’re looking to update your morning routine, we offer premium bathroom remodeling services in Modesto, Turlock, Tracy, and more of Central-Valley & Tri-Valley, California.

Call us today at (209) 620-0068 to discuss more about your bathroom shower options, or request a free quote and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible!